CDH International Foundation

 Animal Diseases and Medical Conditions

 Project Balaram - India

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Emerging Infectious disease
 is causing devastating loses
 to the poor. 
There is a great need for new research to develop rapid diagnostics and new safe  treatments. 

In recent years there have been enormous losses in cattle, donkey, camel goat and sheep herds.

 Animal Diseases:

 This is a partial list of diseases other
 than the many zoonotic diseases we
 Foot and Mouth

 addressed on the zoonotic page in the
 area, or suspected in the area.

1.  Babesiosis equi

2.  Black Quarter Fever

3.  Theileria

4.  Trypanosomiasis evansi - Surra

5.  Tail Necrosis - Gas gangrene Clostridium

6.  Yoke Gall

7.  Traumatic Injuries


Fooot and Mouth Disease Foot and mouth disease

Tetanus orf
Bull Penis calf broken leg